
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

50+ Random Biology MCQ Quiz in which You Can't Score 100%

50+ Random Biology MCQ Quiz in which you can't score 100%

50+ Random Biology MCQ Quiz in which you can't score 100%

50+ Random Biology MCQ Quiz in which you can't score 100%

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List of all MCQ Question mention in above quiz

Human heart is 
A) Neurogenic heart  
B) Myogenic heart
C) Pulsating heart
D) Ampullary heart

Spermology is the study of
A) Seed
B) Leaf
C) Fruit
D) Pollen grain

Who is known as father of Zoology
A) Darwin
B) Aristotle
C) Lamark
D) Theophrastus

Animal without red blood cells
A) Frog
B) Earthworm
C) Snake
D) Peacock

The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is
A) 6 kcal
B) 4 kcal
C) 5 kcal
D) 3kcal

13 - Chambered heart occurs in
A) Leech
B) Earthworm
C) Snail
D) Cockroach

The corner of the cells of collenchyma tissue in plant are thickened due to deposition of _____
A) Lignin and suberin
B) Suberin and cutin
C) Cellulose and pectin
D) Chitin and lignin

The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called
A) hibernation
B) aestivation
C) laziness
D) lethargy

From the following pairs, find the one which is correctly matched?
A) Scurvy- Thiamine
B) Tuberculosis- ATS
C) Tetanus- BCG
D) Malaria- Chloroquine

Bone deformities occur due to the excess intake of
A) Phosphorus
B) Potassium
C) Fatty acid
D) Fluorine

50+ Random Biology MCQ Quiz in which You Can't Score 100%
Name the blood cells in which nucleus is absent
A) Lymphocytes
B) Blood Platelets
C) Monocytes
D) Eosinophils

Hardest Part of the Human Body?
A) Tooth Enamel
B) Femur
C) Temporal bone of skull
D) Knee bone

Number of eyes found in Earthworm..........
A) One
B) Many
C) No eye
D) Two

Nuclear membrane is absent in
A) Volvox
B) Penicillium
C) Agaricus
D) Nostoc

The plant dye Henna imparts orangered colour to skin and hairs due to its reaction with which of the following?
A) Protein and amino acids
B) Lipids
C) Carbohydrates
D) Amino acids

The outer membrane that covers the brain is
A) Myelin sheath
B) Dura mater
C) Arachnoid membrane
D) Pia mater

Which of the following is an Autotroph?
A) Fish
B) Algae
C) Butterfly
D) Mushroom

Tikka disease is related with the crop:
A) Musturd
B) Paddy
C) Ground nut
D) All of these

The hormone that helps in Parthenocarpy
A) Abscisic acid
B) Gibberellin
C) Ethylene
D) Cytokinin

Which of the following is not an Endocrine Gland?
A) Spleen
B) Pituitary
C) Thyroid
D) Adrenal

Vivipary is defined as germination
A) during storage
B) within the fruit
C) with cotyledons coming out of soil
D) with cotyledons remaining inside the soil

Botany is also known as
A) Phytology
B) Phycology
C) Pedology
D) Plantophyta

What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not?
A) Nucleus
B) Cytoplasm
C) Ribosomes

Tissue in which cells have lost the capacity of cell division 

A) Mesristmatic tissue
B) Permanent tissue
C) Both a and b
D) None of these

The gland that is present close to Trachea
A) Pancreas
B) Liver
C) Adrrenal
D) Thyroid

During rainy season wooden doors are difficult to open or closure because of  ?
A) Imbibition
B) Plasmolysis
C) Diffusion
D) Osmosis

What Is The Study Of Cells Called
A) Cellogysm
B) Cytology
C) Cell Biology
D) Both B & C

The sex of a newborn baby is determined by the chromosome inherited from

A) The Father
B) The Mother
C) The Father's Father
D) Both A & B

Only movable bone in the skull
A) Occipital bone
B) Frontal bone
C) Mandible
D) Temporal bone

Agrostology is the study of
A) Seed of oil
B) Crop
C) Grass
D) Fruits

Which of the following is a mixed gland
A) Pituitary
B) Adrenal
C) Pancreas
D) Ovary

Which part of Nervous system controls involuntary actions
A) Medulla oblongata
B) Cerebellum
C) Hypothalamus
D) Spinal cord

The rate of heartbeat is accelerated by the hormone 
A) adrenaline
B) acetylcholine
C) thyroxine
D) pituitrin

Silviculture is the branch of botany in which we study about
A) Culture of algae
B) Development of forest
C) Culture of fungi
D) Silciphida plant

The total number of pairs of Peripheral nerves in man are
A) 41
B) 42
C) 43
D) 44

Total salt content in blood is about

A) 1.85 to 1.9%
B) 11.85 to 11.9%
C) 2.85 to 2.9%
D) 0.85 to 0.9%

Which one of the following vitamins is known as the anti sterile factor  ?
A) Ascorbic acid
B) Riboflavin
C) Niacin
D) Retinol

Only male frog produce croacking sound because ____

A) Female frog have no larynx
B) Female frog have larynx but no vocal cord
C) Male frog have three pair of vocal cord
D) Male frog can magnify their voice with the help of sound box

Most abundant tissue in the body
A) Connective
B) Nervous
C) Muscular
D) Epithelial

The enzyme that is necessary to bring about clotting of blood is 
A) peptidase
B) amylase
C) lipase
D) thrombokinase

Damage to hearing is caused by sounds which exceed
A) 70 decibels
B) 80 decibels
C) 100 decibels
D) 120 decibels

Succus Entericus is secreted by
A) Auerbach's plexus
B) Peyers patches.
C) Brunner's glands
D) Crypts of Lieberkuhn

Which of the following is not a function of cytoskeleton in a cell ?

A) Maintenance of cell shape and structure
B) Intracellular transport
C) Cell motility
D) Support of the organelle

An area of dead myocardial tissue is called
A) an infarct
B) stenosis
C) an induration
D) hypertrophy

The Vitamin required for the synthesis of nucleic acid is
A) Tocoferorl
B) Folic acid
C) Cyanocobalamine
D) Riboflavin

What holds the sides of the DNA ladder together?
A) Polar covalent bonds
B) Ionic bonds
C) Metallic bonds
D) Covalent bonds

Yellow color of urine is due to presence of
A) Bile juice
B) Urochrome
C) Lymph
D) Cholesterol

Excretion is best described as the removal of
A) Undigested material from the digestive tract
B) Metabolic wastes from a cell
C) Toxic wastes by the process of cyclosis
D) Water molecules from dipeptide hydrolysis

Plants growing in sunlight are called
A) sciophytes
B) xerophytes
C) heliophytes
D) hydrophytes

Which of the following is an Abiotic factor?
A) Plants
B) Water
C) Consumers
D) Animals

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